Associated Faculty



국제학부 겸임교수

August 2000          EMORY UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics                                                    Atlanta, United States
                             Ph. D. in Economics
February 1985       YONSEI UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics                                                     Seoul, Korea
                             M.A.  in Economics

February 1983       YONSEI UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics                                                     Seoul, Korea 
                             B.A.  in Economics

  • Internaltional Energy Cooperation in Multilateral and Bilateral Framework
  • Global Energy Governance through International Organizations
  • Regional Energy Cooperation with Economic Growth and Geopolitics


  • Managing Director in International Energy Cooperation Group of KEEI during 2013-2018
  • Senior Research Fellow in Korea Energy Economics Institute(KEEI) during 2001-2020
  • Expert Member in Presidential Committee on Sustainable Development during 2008-2009
  • Presidential Transit Committee’s Fellow for Climate Change and Energy Task Force in early 2008

May 2001 -           Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI)                                                                       
Present                  Center for International Energy Cooperation

Provided over strategic consulting services to Ministry of Trade, Industry, Energy(MOTIE) of Korea in areas of multilateral and bilateral energy cooperation, Northeast Asia energy cooperation and national-level energy sector situation.
Selected Multilateral Energy Cooperation  Experiences

  • Participated all IEA SLT and GB Meeting four times per year since June 2008
  • Participated all the IEA Ministerial Meeting every two year since 2009.
  • Conducted the review on all the IEA Ministerial and GB Meeting agenda as the Senior Advisor
  • Conducted all the process of In-Depth Review(IDR) of Korea in 2011-2012 including Review Team Meeting and Final Publication of Korea IDR Report 
  • Conducted all the preparation for the requisite documents and events for the 2019-2020 Korea IDR/ERR Report Process including Review Team Meeting and Launching Event in Korea
  • Developed cooperation agenda for 2013 World Energy Council(WEC) as a main advisor to the Korea WEC Organizing Committee during 2009-2013
  • Participated WTO DDA Service Negotiation Meetings focusing energy service as Korean Delegation Member during 2003-2008 
  • Contributed to Korea international energy cooperation strategies through the related KEEI research reports and advising to the Korea Ministry(MOTIE)

Selected Bilateral Energy Cooperation Experience

  • Participated in the Korea-US energy cooperation inter-governmental dialogue
  • Participated in the Korea-China and Korea-Russia energy cooperation inter-governmental dialogue  
  • Developed agenda for regular bilateral inter-institutional cooperation workshops with Energy Research Institute of China, Institute of Energy Economics in Japan, KAPSARC of Saudi Arabia and other major energy institute of United States, Russia, Mongolia since 2007.

Selected Regional Energy Cooperation Experience

  • Developed energy cooperation strategies in Northeast Asia since 2004
  • Participated in Intergovernmental Collaboration Mechanism in Northeast Asia Energy Cooperation as one of main organizers including UNESCAP during 2005-2015  
  • Developed agenda for Government-Business Dialogue for Northeast Asia Energy Cooperation during 2005-2015
  • Participated and developed agenda for Northeast Asia Energy Forum since 2016 with more focus on inter-institute and business sector cooperation activities 

Selected Joint Research Experience with International Energy Agency(IEA)

  • Conducted the Joint Researches on Electricity Market focusing on decarbonization and net-zero target implementation
  • Conducted the Joint Researches on coal and gas sector for just transition and securing gas security

Selected National-Level Energy Sector Research Experience

  • Conducted the studies on Chinese energy sector including overseas energy development, natural gas industry, renewable sector, and energy efficiency policy
  • Conducted the studies on US energy sector including US clean energy policy, oil and gas industry.


  • Natural Gas Supply in Korea: Insights from the 2022 Gas Supply Shock(2023) [IEA Joint Research]
  • Strengthening the Energy Cooperation Measures for the making inroad into Emerging Markets(2023)
  • Strategies for Coal Transition in Korea(2022) [IEA Joint Research]
  • Reforming Korea's Electricity Market for Net-Zero(2021) [IEA Joint Research]
  • Korea Electricity Security Review(2020) [IEA Joint Research]
  • Mid- and Long-term Strategies and Roadmap for Enhanced International Energy Ecooperation(2019)
  • Promoting more effective Korea’s multilateral energy cooperation mechanism(2018)
  • The impact of next US presidential election on US clean energy policy(2016)
  • The impact of Paris Agreement on China's renewable energy policy and the potential Korea-China energy cooperaton opportunities


국제학부 겸임교수

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.