Graduate Fair for Undergraduates

  • Target : Prospective graduate students
  • Date : April, October

Admission (Korean Applicants)

  • Document review and interview
    - Admission details are announced on the general graduate school and department websites.
  • Application Period
    - Spring Application: May, June
    - Fall Application: October, December
  • International applicants should refer to the notice from the Office of International Affairs.

Orientation and Boot Camp

  • Guidance on course registration and online guidebooks for freshmen are distributed at the beginning of each semester.

Credit Requirements

  • Environmental Policy Studies Major (환경정책전공)
    Degree Course Classification Minimum Credits Details
    (27 Credits)
    (22 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    Major Compulsory 6 Environmental Economics, Resource Economics
    Major Elective 9
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (5 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 2 Master’s Thesis Study
    (Could take the course from 2nd semester,
    after your thesis advisory professor is designated)
    Elective Research 3 Ic-Pbl In Circular Economy And Recycle Business
    Corporate Participatory Projects
    (38 Credits)
    (34 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    Major Compulsory 6 Environmental Economics, Resource Economics
    Major Elective 11
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (4 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 2 Doctoral Thesis Study1,
    Doctoral Thesis Study2
    (59 Credits)
    (52 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    Major Compulsory 6 Environmental Economics, Resource Economics
    Major Elective 20
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (7 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 4 Doctoral Thesis Study1,
    Doctoral Thesis Study2
    Elective Research 3 Ic-Pbl In Circular Economy And Recycle Business
    Corporate Participatory Projects
  • Energy Technology Policy Studies Major(에너지기술정책전공)
    Degree Course Classification Minimum Credits Details
    (27 Credits)
    (22 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    (Elective, Compulsory)
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (5 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 2 Master’s Thesis Study
    (Could take the course from 2nd semester,
    after your thesis advisory professor is designated)
    Elective Research 3 Ic-Pbl In Circular Economy And Recycle Business
    Corporate Participatory Projects
    (38 Credits)
    (34 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    (Elective, Compulsory)
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (4 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 2 Doctoral Thesis Study1,
    Doctoral Thesis Study2
    (59 Credits)
    (52 Credits)
    Elective Core General 1 HYPER Hanyang(HYPER한양)
    (Elective, Compulsory)
    Other Major
    (General Electives)
    (7 Credits)
    Compulsory Research 4 Doctoral Thesis Study1,
    Doctoral Thesis Study2
    Elective Research 3 Ic-Pbl In Circular Economy And Recycle Business
    Corporate Participatory Projects

Faculty Advisor Assignment

  • Faculty advisor(thesis advisor) should be appointed by the end of the 1st semester after the consultation with the department head professor.
  • Subsequent change to the faculty advisor is possible in consultation with the current advisor.

Degree Requirements

  • Completion of Prerequisite Courses
    - No specific prerequisite courses are designated, but if necessary, students must complete prerequisite courses under the guidance of the advisor and department head professor.
    - Prerequisite courses are not recognized as credits acquired during the degree program..
  • Completion of Major Required Courses
    - Major in Environmental Policy Studies: Environmental Economics, Resource Economics
    - Major in Energy Technology Policy: No specific required courses designated.
  • Submission and Evaluation of Research Proposal
    - Submission of research proposal: Submit a proposal on the research topic, outcomes, and plans for the research for degree thesis.
    - Evaluation out of 100 points, with a passing average of 70 points or above for the assessment results.

Language Proficiency Test

  • Eligibility: Currently enrolled students, eligible to take the test from the 1st semester
  • Subjects: English or Korean(for students whose native language is English)
  • Note: Subsitution is possible with an official language proficiency certificate
    - Korean (TOPIK)

Comprehensive Exam

  • Eligibility
    종합시험 응시자격
    Degree Program Eligibility
    Master’s Those who have obtained 18 credits or more and completed prerequisite courses
    Doctorate Those who have obtained the required credits for graduation or can obtain them by the end of semester, and completed prerequisite courses
    Master-Doctorate Those who have registered for 6 semesters or more, obtained the required credits for graduation or can obtain them by the end of semester, and completed prerequisite courses
  • Subjects
    종합시험 응시과목
    Major Degree Subjects
    Classification Details
    Environmental Policy Studies Master’s Required Environmental Economics
    Resource Economics
    Elective Select 2 from the offered major courses
    Required Environmental Economics
    Resource Economics
    Elective Select 3 from the offered major courses
    Energy Technology Policy Studies Master's Required Low-Carbon Technologies and Policies
    Elective Select 2 from the offered major courses
    Required Low-Carbon Technologies and Policies
    Elective Select 3 from the offered major courses
  • Exam Date
    - April, October
  • Pass Criteria
    - Evaluation out of 100 points, with a passing of 60 points for each subject

Thesis Evaluation

  • Process
  • Eligibility
    청구논문 신청 자격
    Process Degree
    Master’s Doctorate Master-Doctorate
    Satisfy Language Proficiency Test English or Korean(International Students)
    Enter Research Proposal Those in their 3rd semester
    or above
    Those in their 3rd semester
    or above
    Those in their 5th semester
    or above
    Thesis Application Individuals who meet all of the below criteria:
    - Satisfied foreign language requirement
    - Completed all prerequisite courses
    - Entered their research plan proposal and received approval
    - Meet the department’s bylaws
    - Registered for 4 semesters (or more) 
    - Earned(or to earn during the given semester) credits required for graduation
    - Received thesis research guidance for more than 1 semester
    - Registered for 4 semesters (or more) 
    - Earned(or to earn during the given semester) credits required for graduation
    - Received thesis research guidance for more than 2 semesters
    - Registered for 6 semesters (or more) 
    - Earned(or to earn during the given semester) credits required for graduation
    - Received thesis research guidance for more than 2 semesters
  • Thesis Evaluation Period
    - Spring: May ~ Mid-June 
    - Fall: September~ Mid-December

Degree Conferment

  • Eligibility: Individuals who meet all the requirements for degree conferment
  • Commencement Ceremony: February, August